With the construction season fast approaching, hundreds of undocumented schjekbenjels from Morden have been flooding into the neighbouring community of Winkler looking for work.
“Jauma, that church lobby was full this morning,” said Mrs. Hiebert. “All these Mordeners looking for work. I guess they’ve come to the right place.”
The Winkler business community hired more than a hundred Mordeners after the sermon this Sunday and are still looking for more.
“Morden schekbenjels will work for song,” said Mrs. Hiebert. “Not literally, of course. But a few Chicken Chef coupons and you’re good to go.”
Some have criticized the Morden schekjbenjels and want them to go back home.
“I hear some are trying to have children in our hospital just so they can claim they’re Winklerites,” said Mrs. Hiebert. “And they’re taking all the best chicken catching jobs!”
The hospital in question is equidistant between Morden and Winkler, though Mrs. Hiebert claims the maternity ward is on the Winkler side of the line.
“Something’s got to be done,” said Mrs. Hiebert. “Next thing you know they’ll be so many of them over here, you won’t be able to tell the Winklerlites and Mordeners apart!”
In other news, while hundreds of Mordeners are flocking to Winkler to work, a report indicates that hundreds of Winklerites are flocking to Morden to have fun.