Dozens of Mennonites are gathering this weekend to hold hands with distant cousins and move around in circles to music. This phenomenon is known as “circle games” and contrary to popular opinion, should not be confused with the sinful act of dancing.
“Oh, those Englishers, always trying to find flaws in our way of life,” exclaimed Peter Klassen of Reinfeld. “Mennonites play circle games, but under no circumstances will we ever dance. There’s a big difference!”
Klassen said the difference between circle games and dancing was, ummm, well…
“It’s different, okay. It’s just different,” said Klassen. “Besides, us Mennonites gallop around in circles singning B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-o! There’s nothing sinful about that.”
Still, elders are concerned.
“There were four pregnancies and a few close calls after the last circle games,” said Elder Thiessen. “I think it’s time we call a spade a spade and put an end to these circle games.”
Fearful that their fun will soon come to an end, the young people of Reinfeld are planning a kegger and bubble party circle games event for this Friday complete with DJ and jello shooters.