Mrs. Kroeker was vacationing with the family in Florida this week, when she inadvertently launched a rocket ship over in Cape Canaveral.
“Oba, I was just calling in the kids for launch yet,” said Kroeker. “Launch! Launch! Abe, Tina, Nettie, Klaus, Johan, Pieta, Kjnels, Mary, Helen, it’s time for launch!”
The Kroeker kids came a-running, but while they did, the folks at mission control in Cape Canaveral also did a launch of their own.
“Hey, look kids, a rocket shap,” said Kroeker. “This is truly one of the bast launches we’ve aver had yet.”
After realizing their error, NASA scientists have petitioned the government to ban all Mennonites from coming within 500 miles of a launching area.
“Dietschlaund! With a rule like that, how are we aver going to have another launch?” said Kroeker. “I guess we’ll just have to vacation in La Crete instead.”
Experts estimate that there were more than 2000 launches this weekend alone … not including faspa.