Folklorama, Winnipeg’s annual celebration of the city’s cultural diversity, is known for bringing the sights, tastes, and sounds of the world to the good people of Manitoba. The infamous Mennonite Pavilion, however, has developed a reputation for being a little on the dull side.
“Please come visit us at the Mennonite Pavilion. We guarantee you there will be no booze, no dancing, and no sitting within proximity of the opposite sex,” said Pavilion organizer Mr. Falk. “But if you want to eat rolled up ham slices and participate in a good responsive reading, then the Mennonite Pavilion is the place for you.”
The Pavilion is being held in a dark damp corner of the EMB church basement. Winnipeggers have been lining up all week.
“I’m impressed with the crowds,” said Mr. Falk. “Last night we had eight people: three elderly Friesens and a few of their grandkids who they tricked into coming along. And that was just the 7 o’clock show!”
Falk says the 9 o’clock performance was even more crowded, though they had to shut everything down by 9:05 because it was “more than past a decent bedtime yet.”
“Sure some of the other pavilions offer beer and you can watch a rousing dance performance,” said Mr. Falk. “But this is the only pavilion at Folklorama that invites guests to listen to an hour long sermon on chastity by Reverend Loewen!”
Falk says there are still a “surprising number” of tickets left for tonight’s show.