Dear Martha Reimer,
A while ago I went to the doctor to have my bunions checked and when I took off my brown nylons and felt his warm rough manly hands on my bunions, I got a tingly sensation all over. I hadn’t felt that way since my second year at Winkler Bible Institute back in 1968. Anyway, I began to find other reasons to go back and see Dr. Friesen. A back ache. Itchy tonsils. Anything. I think I’m in love. Should I tell him at church this Sunday? Sincerely, Menno in Love.
It’s very easy to confuse the natural intimacy and trust you feel with your physician or trajchtmoaka with love. You need to make certain you really are in love with Dr. Friesen before you talk to him. Spend some time apart. Have your bunions checked by another doctor. If you still feel this way about Dr. Friesen, then slip a note into his mailbox at church. Bunions have brought many Mennonite couples together. Who knows? Maybe they’ll work their magic for you, too. Sincerely, Martha.
Dear Martha Reimer,
I’ve been having some difficulty starting my tractor lately. I hop on up there hoping to have a nice good ride in the fields and for the life of me I can’t get the dang thing started. I’ve tried everything. I even got my neighbour Jake in there helping me, but nothing works! Susan says I should call a professional, but I’m a Mennonite man and I should be able to get my tractor started myself. What should I do? Sincerely, Eager to Get Plowing.
I hate to tell you this, but your wife is right. Tractors are a complicated piece of equipment and if you can’t get yours started, you need to get help. How long are you going to just let your tractor sit there in the barn without using it? The longer you wait, the harder it will be to get it started. Time is of the essence. Get your John Deere technician in there as soon as possible or risk never being able to get your engine running again. Soon it will be spring and you don’t want to miss out on an entire growing season. Get on it ASAP. Sincerely, Martha.