Grandma Stobbe and 4/5ths of the Stobbe tauntes have been keeping themselves busy this past winter by knitting delightful wool covid masks for all their frintschoft.
“Oh, dank, Oma, I love it!” said granddaughter Jessica wrapping the wool covid mask on her rosy cheeks. “This is exactly the sort of mask I’d be hoping for. This will certainly be family heirloom for years to come.”
While the reviews have mostly been positive, there are some concerns about the masks.
“I’m sure these are just as safe as the N95 they make us wear at work,” said Jessica. “The only problem is they don’t have the pinch nose and they itch like crazy!”
Still Jessica is more than willing to put up with a little itch in order to look hip while bagging groceries at her local Zehrs.
“I’m concerned the holes might be a little big,” said Jessica. “I’ll ask grandma to do a tighter knit next time.”
Meanwhile, Grandma Stobbe and her sisters are also knitting some extra itchy wool swimsuits for the upcoming summer camp season.
(photo credit: storebukkebruse/CC)