For the first time in its long history, the world’s most prestigious art museum will include Mennonite macaroni art as part of its collection. Starting this fall little Jessica Berg’s ‘Self-portrait in Macaroni and Rice’ will be displayed alongside such masterworks as the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo.
“We’re very excited to make this acquisition of macaroni art,” said Louvre curator Marie Dubois. “Berg is a master of negative space and texture. She uses Elmer’s glue to create a profound commentary on contemporary life!”
Pastor Dan Wiebe of South Blumenort Gospel Mennonite Bible Fellowship says this purchase was a long time coming.
“Mennonites have a long tradition of making art with macaroni and it’s nice to see this tradition finally getting some international recognition,” said Pastor Dan. “This is exactly the reason why we set aside between $40 and $60 every year to provide the Sunday School kids with macaroni and non-toxic white glue. I’m glad to see that investment is finally paying off!”
Young Jessica was excited to hear her art had received such attention overseas and says she already has a few ideas for future projects.
“Our teacher, Ms. Klassen, said next week we’re cutting out pieces of old jeans and t-shirts to decorate a Raggedy Anne picture,” said Jessica, who wasn’t sure what the Bible lesson was. “She’s even letting us use the grownup markers!”
In other news, the South Blumenort Gospel Mennonite Bible Fellowship’s children’s choir has won the first ever Pulitizer Prize for Music for their stirring performance of “I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart.”
(photo credit: Michael Homan/CC)