Earlier today, area woman Susan Dueck was shocked and horrified to discover her husband using Pinterest when she returned home early from a shopping trip.
“Donald, just what are you doing?!” exclaimed Dueck. “As if my quilt patterns and baked goods aren’t enough for you!”
Donald says he heard the door open and tried to close his open browser window, but the computer froze, leaving evidence of his Pinterest browsing for his distraught wife to see.
“Didn’t we talk about this?” said Susan. “I thought you had an accountability partner!”
Donald claims he became curious about arts, crafts, and cooking pictures on Pinterest after a co-worker of his showed him the website one day during lunch break.
“I love my wife,” said Donald. “Honestly, I do. But I’m a man. Sometimes my eyes wander to other women’s baked goods and quilted duvet covers. The temptation is too real.”
Susan says she hopes another trip to Promise Keepers will help her troubled partner.
“I love my husband, and I guess I’ll have to forgive him,” said Susan. “But I hope he can find help. As we all know Pinterest is every Mennonite man’s hidden struggle.”
(photo credit: by Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta/CC)