Despair Strikes Mennonite Man After Fruitless Search for Ketchup


Area man Joel Berg, 43, spent more than an hour this afternoon rifling through his McDonald’s bag in search of ketchup, but, alas, it was all for naught.

“I pulled over to do the obligatory drive-thru bag inspection,” explained Berg, “and I searched and I searched but, for the life of me, I could not locate the ketchup.”

Berg claims he even asked for the ketchup, twice, but it still did not appear in his bag.

“Whatever happened to the good old days when they tossed two heaping handfuls of ketchup in the bag?” said Berg. “It was always enough for a whole portion of fries, plus soup the next day.”

After searching for over an hour with no success, it was all too much for Berg to take and he broke down in tears.

“What is the world coming to,” sobbed Berg, eating a totally dry french fry, “when you can’t even get ketchup at McDonald’s anymore?”

Berg says that in the future he might just have to eat the sandwich his Annie packed for him, or else stop by at Chicken Chef where all his friends are.

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