Local Elvis Presley tribute artist Corny Rempel has expanded his repetoire to include Johnny Cash and now, it seems, he’s taking his talent for mimicry even further with an uncanny Menno Simons impersonation.
“People are going to love my new Menno Simons show,” said Rempel from his Steinbach home. “I basically stand there in a dark suit for a couple hours and scold people. It’s fantastic entertainment.”
The progression from Elvis Presley to Johnny Cash to Menno Simons is only natural as the outfits get more and more conservative. Rempel is already growing out his Elvis sideburns into a full Menno beard and he’s also working on his 16th-century Frisian accent.
“I’m going to nail that accent,” said Rempel. “People will think it’s Menno Simons raised from the dead.”
Unlike most of his other shows, the Menno Simons show contains no music, but instead there is an hour-long responsive reading of the Mennonite catechism.
“It’s quite the switch going from Elvis to Menno,” said Rempel, “but I think I can handle it…and I know the audience will love it!”
Rempel is confident he’ll win first prize in any World Menno Simons Tribute Artist competitions that might exist.