Eight years of wedded bliss is all over for the Epps of North Kildonan this week, after an apparent marriage-ending fight over the AC temperature.
“She wanted it at 23, while I prefer 19 or 20,” said Dave Epp, owner of a local roofing company. “Especially on a day like this, I’ve got to be able to come into the house and get a sense of relief from the heat.”
Jessica, however, said she was sick and tired of having to wear sweaters and wrap herself in a blanket during the summer months.
“Enough was enough,” said Jessica. “So I filed for divorce.”
For friends of the Epps, the breakup came as a complete shock.
“Who would have thought the AC would do it?” said friend Anne Plett. “I could see a divorce over the furnace temperature in winter, but the AC? Go figure. I guess that’s just General Conferencers for you.”
Things may be more complex than they appear, however, as rumour has it that Dave had been seeing an oscillating fan on the side.