Ahhh, spring, the time of year to haul out the rubber boots and pick rocks out of the field…and possibly attract a suitor in the process. Yes, indeed, spring is courting season for Mennonites.
“All vinter long I’ve vaited for Martha Froese to take off that parka and put on her spring jacket,” said Hank Friesen, “and now the veather is varm enough that she finally did.”
Friesen says he plans to ask Mr. Froese for Martha’s hand in marriage by the end of the week.
“Vhen spring hits, it’s go time,” said Friesen. “You have to snatch up an available voman before you’re busy in the fields all summer or before Herb Loewen gets to them. He’s broken many a heart, that man.”
Friesen says he plans to bring Martha Froese a beautiful bouquet of dandelions he picked in his front yard.
“Oba, that Martha is so pretty,” said Friesen. “I just can’t keep my eyes off of her once.”
Martha Froese says she had no idea Friesen felt this way about her and plans to mull over her options.
“I have to keep my options open. Hank Friesen is not my only suitor,” explained Froese. “There’s Abe Goertzen, Willy Unger, and Herman Pankratz. It’s not an easy choice.”
Froese plans to make her decision before the spring Sunday School picnic this May.