Area man Gabe Eby, 29, has been jogging all over KW during the past few months creating patterns on his running app that his fellow Mennonites will find recognizable and comforting.
“At first I ran in the shape of a crokinole board,” said Eby. “Even went through Waterloo and all the way out to St. Jacobs to illustrate the path of an errant flick. Lately, however, I’ve been concentrating my efforts in running in the shape of pickled vegetables.”
So far Eby’s most popular pattern is that of a giant dancing dill pickle.
“I basically just looked through my grandmother’s pantry for inspiration,” said Eby. “When I run out of canned and jarred preservings, I’m going to move on to butter tarts.”
Many have been dazzled and delighted at Eby’s creations, although some folks have been critical of the project.
“First, I don’t like that he made it into a dancing pickle,” said Pastor David. “Can’t we just enjoy our pickles without always having to add dancing to the mix?”
Rumours are also spreading that instead of running, Eby may have been using his horse and buggy to achieve such impressive results in such a short period of time. Investigators are planning to re-trace Eby’s path across Kitchener-Waterloo and look for horse droppings.