The custodial crew at Briercrest Bible College and Seminary were in quite the state of shock this morning as they found that a whole nest of Mennonite families had pulled over for the night.
“Ugh, and they didn’t even clean up the piles of knackzoat outside the Barkman Arena,” said Head of Maintenance Art Wiebe. “I’m just glad they stayed clear of Hildebrandt Chapel.”
The Mennonites were apparently on a long road trip from Manitoba and just didn’t think they could make it to Abbotsford all in one go.
“Oh, look, it’s Caronport,” said Helen Berg of Blumenort, Manitoba sometime after midnight. “Earl, why don’t you just pull over for a few minutes and take a nice little schlop.”
By the time the Bergs woke up in the morning they discovered a dozen other Mennonite families who, apparently, had the same great idea of sleeping in the car at Briercrest.
“It’s much better than sleeping at the Herbert gas station,” said Helen. “I’m just glad the Margaret P. Reimer gymnasium has such lovely washroom facilities.”
The tendency for sleepy Mennonites to pull over for a few winks has become such a problem that the college is thinking of moving a few miles off the TransCanada highway.
(photo credit: Ned Flottman/CC)