The MB church in the tiny Mennonite village of Kleinschantz has been awarded their very own Chicken Chef franchise, which will begin operation in the church basement this fall.
“Oba, our vary own Shackan Shaf yat!” said a visibly excited Pastor Dave. “Finally we won’t have to rely solely on Mr. Platt’s sporadic tithing to keep the lights on.”
The new restaurant will be in operation 7 days a week, and the revenue will go directly towards church projects such as purchasing new hymnals and getting a new foosball table for the youth room.
“We’ve even hired some local heathens to work the kitchen on Sundays,” said Pastor Dave. “Deutschland, this Shackan Shaf is going to be spashal!”
Upon hearing the news, other Chicken Chef owners in the region, including the ones in Reinhof, Blumenbach, Plettenville, and Krahnsfield, all expressed their concerns.
“If da Mannanites can get there Shackan Chaf without even having to leave da charch on Sundays, den dey won’t drive over to my place on Reinhof. It’s rally unfair,” said Chicken Chef owner Peter Klassen. “I’ve also heard dat Kleinschantz Shackan Shaf might be getting licensed.”
We were unable to confirm whether the new Kleinschantz MB Chicken Chef will be serving booze, but the MB elders have already made plans to install cup holders and finger bowls in the pews.