In order to celebrate their first Stanley Cup victory since the team arrived in Miami, the Florida Panthers have scooped up all the ice from Game 7 and turned it into refreshing 7-11 Slurpees.
“We felt our sloppy slushy ice surface was just perfect for a treat like this,” said team spokesperson Diane Wiens. “What better way to celebrate our victory than to consume the very substance that made it possible?”
The Slurpees will be given away outside Amerant Bank Arena on a first come-first serve basis.
“We’ve only got enough game-used ice for a few hundreds Slurpees,” said Wiens, “which means we have more than enough for all our fans and their families.”
7-11 has not yet commented on the story, but rumour has it they are considered adding Florida Panther Slush to their permanent menu.
“We’re going to try it out in a few test markets first,” said 7-11 rep Andrew Douglas. “Maybe they’ll appreciate it in Calgary.”
The Florida Panther Slurpees come in several flavours including Bettman Blue, Sunbelt Sand, and Bitter Resentment, which comes with a generous shot of rum.
(photo credit: Doug Kerr/CC)