It all turned out to be a happy accident, as a bucket of schmaunt fat was confused for waffle sauce, much to the delight of the dozens of eager waffle eaters lined up at Summer in the City this weekend.
“I would never have thought of that combination,” said Mrs. Froese of Blumenort, “but it just worked, you know?”
White sauce and schmaunt fat are nearly indistinguishable to the naked eye and it’s only upon taste that the difference becomes evident.
“Mr. Fehr recoiled at first, but then quickly got a taste for it,” said MHV volunteer Erin Unger. “I think we’re going to give a schmaunt fat option from now on.”
Pouring schmaunt fat on waffles did generate some controversy in the church lobby on Sunday.
“It’s unconventional, but I’m not quite sure it constitutes a sin exactly,” said Pastor Ron. “Now, those people who pour syrup on their waffles on the other hand …”
Starting this summer, the waffle booth will offer a schmaunt fat option, although those who mark this choice will not be given the chance to top it all off with strawberries.