Local father and outdoor enthusiast Peter Neufeld, 41, is drawing criticism from family and friends after blowing his entire November paycheque on hunting and fishing stuff this past weekend.
“I really wish he would have left us at least a little something to buy a few boxes of Kraft Dinner and pay the hydro bill,” said his distraught wife Anne. “Instead he bought two new muzzleloaders, three hoodies, a walleye spinner kit, and a two-thousand dollar kayak.”
Peter Neufeld, however, is not too worried about his new expenditures.
“The wife and kids get to eat and wear clothes every other month of the year,” said Neufeld. “It’s time I got to spend some money on myself for once.”
The rest of the Neufeld family have been staying with Grandma and Grandpa the past couple weeks while they wait for Anne to convince her husband to return some of the items.
“He can keep the guns and hoodies. Honestly, I think he looks pretty sexy in camo,” said Anne. “But the other stuff has got to go. We can’t eat a kayak now, can we?”
At press time Peter Neufeld is camping out at Lake Winnipeg with his ice-fishing gear, waiting for the water to freeze.
(photo credit: by zombieite/CC)