Local man Paul Johnson, 22, announced his unfollowing of a popular satire site after being deeply and personally offended by a satirical article about the current President of the United States Donald Trump.
“As soon as I saw that post about Donald Trump I sent a private message informing the site that I was no longer following it. That’ll teach them for going after the leader of the free world,” said a still angry Johnson. “I’m not easily angered, but even the slightest criticism of Donald Trump really gets my goat.”
Johnson has been a huge fan of Donald Trump since his inauguration and therefore cannot tolerate any criticism of The Donald whatsoever.
“It’s blasphemy! If you insult Trump, you’re violating my religious freedom or something like that,” said Johnson on a recent blog post. “Not only am I offended at previous posts poking fun at Trump, but I’m just as offended at this article you are reading right now!”
Johnson then spent the rest of the evening commenting on how easily liberals are “triggered.”