Mr. and Mrs. Driedger were on their feet exactly at 10:01 AM when the worship leader asked everyone to “stand if you are able” and turn to Hymn 603 in their Voices Together hymnal … and were not back down again until the whole congregation left for Smitty’s sometime a little after 12.
“I don’t know waut de schissjat was up with that worship leader, but we sure were standing for quite a while,” said Irene, her feet in a foot bath after the service. “I mean it was quite the scene standing there while Pastor Dan read through the entire Book of Lamentations.”
According to sources, the Driedgers were in row 1 and did not notice the subtle hand gesture that indicated an invitation to sit … nor the hundreds behind them took their seats after a rousing signing of “God be With You Till We Meet Again.”
“Yeah, those Driedgers didn’t take the hint,” said Pastor Dan. “I coughed, I stared, I even mentioned them directly in my sermon. Shows how little they’re actually paying attention.”
The Driedgers plan to sit in the back from now on right behind Mrs. Koop and just follow her lead.
(photo credit: RowlandKidman/CC)