Area resident Dave Friesen, 22, is of the opinion that there’s absolutely “nothing to do” in his small 20,000-person city of Steinbach and vows to stay huddled up in his mom’s basement playing Call of Duty until such time as the city improves its recreational facilities.
“Ugh, I’m so bored,” said Friesen, as he woke up at 3 pm ready for another evening of gaming alone in his boxer shorts. “This town sucks! How’s a single guy in his early twenties who never leaves his parents’ basement ever supposed to find friends in this town!”
Friesen says there’s absolutely nothing to do, especially since he hates bowling, swimming, skating, going to museums and libraries, the local pub, curling, taking art lessons, volunteering, pickleball, tennis, the Steinbach Pistons, snowshoeing, hiking, literary events, going for coffee, shopping, going to movies, board games, choir, escape rooms, biking, local parks, historic walking tours, cross country skiing, golf, tobogganing, learning an instrument, comedy nights, dancing, working out, skateboarding, local theatre, fishing, playing pool, and church events, to name just a few.
“Like I said, this town has nothing in it for me,” said Friesen. “I much prefer other cities where we can at least do fun things we don’t have in Steinbach like, umm, well, ummm, yeah, well anyway, Steinbach sucks.”
Friesen says he plans to post each day complaining on the local community Facebook page until such time as the city takes action on the matter.
“It’s like I always say,” said Friesen, “my happiness is your responsibility.”