Mennonites across Western Canada are enjoying their last two weeks of freedom before they have to start going back to church in fall.
“It’s nice to have summers off,” said Erika Peters at the family’s camping site in the Whiteshell. “But a good thing can’t last forever.”
Mennonites are scrambling to make use of their last couple weeks of freedom.
“We’re going to Grand Forks this weekend and back at the cabin again next week,” said Peters. “Got to enjoy our freedom from church while we can.”
Unbeknownst to Peters, the Third Morden Mennonite Church had actually been holding services this whole time.
“Strange. Are there really people who show up to church in summer?” wondered Peters. “To each their own I guess.”
Peters’ stance stands in stark contrast to Mr. Abe Kehler, 89, who has not missed a service in almost 90 years.
“Even when I’m travelling, I find a church to visit,” said Kehler. “If I’m desperate I’ll even show up at a Lutheran church.”
All Mennonites are expected to report to their home congregations on Sunday, September 1 or be hit with $500 extra in tithes.
(photo credit: Ned Flottman/CC)