Thousands of visitors flocked to Intercourse this week to witness the most magical display of Christmas lights ever seen in an Amish village.
“I think the Kauffmans lit a candle this year,” said excited reveller Emily Lantz. “I came all the way from Philadelphia for this display and it sure was worth it.”
Visitors drove peacefully through town where they witnessed a darkness they’ve never seen before in the city.
“It was so dark I couldn’t even tie my own shoes,” said Lantz. “Now this is what I call Christmas.”
The Amish Christmas light display will be on from now until December 31.
“That’s when the Kaufmanns blow out their candle,” said Lantz. “You better get here while you can if you want to witness the spectacular display.”
The Amish Christmas light display is a tradition that’s been going on for centuries.
“Even longer than the one they’ve got in Grunthal, Manitoba,” said Lantz. “Although not quite as showy.”
The Amish display was quite popular, although all the frat boys from the college in Philly were apparently disappointed that it was too dark to witness the Intercourse.