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Mennonites Rush to Get Their Cars Outside During Hail Storm


Mennonites across the region were in a panic to get their cars out onto the streets during the record hail storm last week.

“With golfball-ball sized hail like that, how else can I protect my investment but by making sure my ’98 Caravan is out there in the weather?” said Mr. Schmidt. “You don’t get many opportunities like this!”

Schmidt received a notification on his smartphone from the Mennonite Weather Service, which warns locals about inclement weather.

“As soon as I got the message, I rushed to pull my minivan out of the garage,” said Schmidt. “Everyone in my neighbourhood was doing it! I’m glad to see they all are as fiscally responsible as I am.”

As an extra precaution, Schmidt, himself, stood naked in the storm hoping to be struck by lightning.

“If I survive,” said Schmidt. “I might get a free week on two in the hospital. That’ll really save on groceries.”

Schmidt also says he gets new shingles on his roof about once a month or so.

(photo credit: KOMUnews/CC)

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