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Trudeau Ensures Mennonites Bill C-21 Will Not Affect Their Right to Bare Arms


Mennonites across Canada breathed a sigh of relief today, after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Bill C-21 is being carefully reviewed to ensure it will not impede on their right to show off their bare arms.

“Our objective is to keep Canadians safe, but at the same time we have to balance safety with the rights of individuals, such as Mennonites, to use the only weapons they have,” said Trudeau, “that being their bare arms.”

Mennonite with arms were relieved to hear it.

“I know the church is not so big on bare arms, especially on Sundays,” said area woman Brenda Klassen, “but there are lot of Mennonites who show off their arms at the gym, or the beach, or what have you. I own a pair of arms myself.”

Grateful for Trudeau’s assurances, Mennonites still objected to his characterization of their culture.

“He says our arms are our only weapons,” said Klassen. “Well, obviously he’s never heard of good old fashioned passive aggression.”

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